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Good game tho, unexpected ending , you guys really did a great job for a indie game, i give it 7/10 👍 sending love from Malaysia 🫶🙏

the story was really goo

Me gustó mucho!! os recomiendo jugarlo!
Me quedó la duda de quién es la loca que te espera en la ambulancia... XD

Yawn, really, the pacing was horribly slow, the driving scenes were tedious to say the least.  If a vehicle drove like that in real life we would all be dead.  It was a story that could have been told in two minutes and I am being generous.  I found nothing scary about this game, it tried to give jump scares but failed at every effort.  The ending was anticlimactic and silly, as was most of the game.

(1 edit)

This game takes references from a true horror story from Indonesia. If you know the story, this game is almost exactly like that. For those who want to read the references here :

W for Game, Really touch my heart BINTANG 10****

Tu manera de ejecutar las historias que queres contar me encanta, el juego está excelente en todo sentido. Te mantiene con la tensión en todo momento y su jugabilidad es muy fluida.

Dejo mi gameplay para que disfruten, abrazo!!

Amazing game, I loved playing it :D Thank you for making it

shit game


shut the fuck up do you even know how hard it is to make a game? no so close your mouth

Eu gostei do jogo e o conceito que a alma não estava em paz por ter uma parte do corpo faltando e pela outra coisa no final do jogo, só não entendi da moça de branco,não fiquei com medo e sim fiquei brava com ela.Meus olhos se encherem de lágrimas no final do jogo.

INSANELY good concept for a horror game, sadder story than I expected but you did not need to jumpscare me as hard as you did it felt personal, great game!

This was a beautiful short game I have played this month. It is sad.

It was cool to play a horrorgame from India. Some moments were really funny. But also scary and weird. Cool vibe overall. I had a tiny bug: when i paused and unpaused the game the sound of the car was gone but until the next checkpoint.


This is a beautiful game. It was very well made. Please make more games likes this! Driving a car is always good for a horror game. The story mode is gold. Thank you. We had fun!

i have a question (anyone can answer) is there blood? i know its a stupid question, but im just asking.


interesting game, didnt expect the ending! good one, i leave my gameplay 

dang, i enjoyed this one! love being able to control the ambulance! love the little jumpscares that came out of nowhere. and the sad ending on the end literally changed my mind of how i feel about the characters. great game! (its the 3rd game i played in this video)

Ceritanya bagus banget.. ditambah jumpscare yang banyak tapi tidak terlalu berlebihan berhasil buat aku Teriak kenceng wkwkwk

what a game, bagus banget cerita game nya

i really liked the game, thank you <3

.exe sadly doesn't work on android

Muchas gracias por compartir esta maravilla de juego. Me ha gustado de principio a fin, desde que puedes conducir una ambulancia, hasta la riqueza de la trama del juego. El final me ha encantado y casi me hace llorar; es un final bueno con un toque de tristeza. Has hecho un trabajo excepcional, por eso te doy 5 estrellas, que bien te las mereces, saludos!!!

Jempol sih buat game ini cerita yang seru dan menarik serta 

kerasa banget horrornya

gamenya bagus bang aku suka <3


Horror at beginning, but sad at the end
Gamenya bagus bro

absolute cinema !!!!!!!!

game keren! serem jumpscarenya, anak-anak dibawah 15 tahun jangan nonton!!

Gamenya bagus dan ini juga bisa menjadi pelajaran kita kalo naik motor pakai helm dan games ya seram,sedih,dan menyenangkan dan foto ini seramnya minta ampun


First game kinda unsettling me in quite a lot of time, that's a good thing! Really loved it :D

Game nya bagus bang. saya apresiasi. 

Ada rencana buat game lagi gak?

Keren ini game, story nya bagus banget , mantap 

luar biasa game nya keren bang story nya bagus the best

overall bagus banget game nya, feel horrornya dapat, jumpscarenya juga bangke wkwkwk dan scene sedihnya juga dapat walau cuman sebentar. simple tapi bagus.

grafik 7/10

story 8,5/10

jumpscare 8/10

next sepertinya bakal saya coba juga game pikabuu yang lainnya

Overall Bagus bang Gamenya, teruskan bikin game2 horror seperti ini ya, simple, cerita mudah dipahami tapi alurnya bagus.

Grafik: 8/10

Musik: 9/10

Gameplay: 7/10

Alur Cerita: 9/10

Tingkat Keseraman: 8/10

-1 jantung 💀

Pretty good game really enjoyed it looking forward to play more of your games


Thank you for playing :)

muito bom!

Thanks for playing :)

Love this game
The ending make me cry

Thank you for playing, glad you enjoy it :)

helo i really love your game story plot, creepy atmosphere & unpredicted jumpscares, Great work!

just a lil bit confuse how to get "kantung jenazah" if you not really close to the car tail gate, the "interaction" will not appear. may be make "interaction" area wider, so it can be easily to click.  

Thank you for playing & thanks for info of the bug :)

Nice this was really great game I like it and great work like always anyway well done keep it up!

Thanks for playing :)